This post was originally posted on SubscribeStar and Patreon!
So I really really wanted a build I could be happy with before the end of the year, and I think i pulled it off!
I think if I just nitpick less I can have a public release in January...
There's also some other news too!
Whats new?

New Grind Option and UI
- 17 different socks have been added with up to 4 variations each! There's also a new mildly animated "pose" scene for Naomi to show them off!
- Ugly Christmas Sweater Shirt Dress!
- Alternate Tiny Outfit Colors and Design
- New Male Avatar Options! Multiple default dick sizes (Realish, Larger, Largest!)! Items coming from Overwhored by CypressZeta and odd dicks by artist Happy Otter! Be sure to check them out!
- Sex Sim UI has been completely revamped to prepare for new features! And a new feature added, you can now cum outside (Yes particles and decals now implemented) and "grind" both before penetration and after. I'm not happy with the pre-penetration grind so I'll update that later. you'll also notice buttons for groping and alternate positions, the system is in place for these so it's coming soon! Might not work for cowgirl tho...
- Sex Sim now has sound effects! Various sounds for pumping and voices from Naomi, they aren't lipsynced yet cause i haven't determined what method i want to use for that. Both sex sounds and moans will change depending on the speed and arousal level of Naomi! More factors will come soon too!
- SexSim now triggers a different Music playlist, currently there's 3 songs (you've heard before in The Couch) that will play randomly!
- Volume controls! While it's a bit iffy, volume settings are here! Currently Master does not control music volume, this will be fixed later.
- Added wolf ears and wolf tail to more slots so that you can customize easier, I haven't tested this much so please avoid using them in multiple slots cause I doubt the system is prepared for that...
- Optional "Face Light" added to help with lighting in some scenes.
- Modified missionary scene has some animations split up a bit more into loops, so now the kissing after pull out has a loop. I plan to add proper dialogue for this scene soon!
- All animations are now fixed! I've also fixed up some of the jankiness in the Three Weeks dialogue, I still have some more fixes to make tho. Poses are not all fixed tho, i'll return to those soon as I'd like to give them small animation loops rather than have them be static.
- Overall UI revamp! I've completely changed the way UI is handled using a system that lets me deal with it without code. It also means I can add little UI transition animations! There's also a title screen now, it's mostly place holder. On top of this UI is now static pixel resolution meaning it's smaller on higher resolutions, there is a resolution scale slider though!
- Uh...probably a bunch of stuff i'm forgetting...fixes and stuff? Aaaaaaaaa... I dunno.
I am sorry because of all the other fixes and changes i didn't have time to add the doggy style animations yet but they're up next!
There's likely many issues in this build but thankfully a tester sunblaze helped me find some solid ones! I couldn't fix them all tho...
- Several camera angles suck because the models and animations changed, i'm sorry for this, please use free camera more for now!
- Clipping through clothing is still an issue, i'll be fixing this soon now that the animations are all finally fixed.
- Three Weeks voice audio may not be affected by volume...
- There might be some glitch with pinkydick...
- Possible flickering with certain face items for the ale avatar
- If you use cum outside and cum gets on Naomi, when resetting the white may vanish but the "wetness" won't keeping the shine in that area. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. So unfortunately you'll have to reload the game to properly "clean" naomi
Coming soon: IK, Looking, Groping!
Using some new animation and rigging tools in Unity 2019, i'll be implementing looking and groping using IK tools. For example, lets say i wanted the option for Naomi and the Player to kiss during an animation, i merely need to set up a target mid way and the rigging tools will have them dynamically meet in real time.
I don't intend for these IK tools to be for any majority of animation mostly just minor sub animations. it's all in place, i just need to start using the tools. And working out how to activate them with the UI. So expect the next updates to be about this sort of stuff.
I'll be bringing back all the stuff like petting Naomi head, grabbing her wrist and other stuff and hopefully so it all works in mostly any position.
Public Release Soon?
Yes! I started looking at my goals in relation to this build and some of it just seems unnecessary for this "Preview" but more critical for a "Demo". Demo is when proper version numbers will start.
So I may roll back my expectations a bit and just release, especially in light of some recent bad news I'll go into later.
Primary needs are honestly:
- Internal cum effects
- Expressions and lipsync for sex sim
- Dialogue and voice for modified missionary scene
- Maybe some more animations...but probably not...
- Maybe implement groping (Doesn't seem viable for cowgirl)
- Maybe implement Arousal levels...
At this point in terms of some systems and content this is becoming far more along than The Couch.
Why is there still no cloth sim?
It's complicated, but Obi 5 finally came out, I fiddled with it but I still had issues. I'll keep trying though! Maybe try some other bone based solution too...
What about other builds?
Coming soon! Just taking a break to work on other stuff, more builds may come this week or later, depends on how much time I have and if I encounter any issues. But I will be making builds for all the usual platforms.
About some issues with Paypal and Patreon
Paypal for whatever reason shut down my account, this has been very frustrating for me mostly for client work. And on Patreons end the decided to step up enforcement on one of my clients and several other people, even asking one to delete their favorites on Newgrounds. The one client CypressZeta has been forced to move their work to SubsribeStar and change their identity on patreon. So please check them out and support them!
I for one, am just sick of this shit...
I've been focusing on development so I can have more options, but as i said earlier i may temper my ambitions a bit to just release certain efforts asap. I know i have a habit of sitting on things until they meet my standards, but often that just results in me not doing what i really need to for too long.
But now besides a few needs like a reworked outfit and inventory system, and a need for some cum inside effects, I could go public with some confidence, and push the other things I've set up. Then I'll hopefully be done with Paypal, and done with Patreon. Yeah i know i don't have to cause my game is so vanilla, but i don't want to even have to worry about it at all. Maybe Naomi's boobs won't be big enough at some point (an actual issue in some places I've been), who fuckin' knows. I just want to get as far away from it all as possible.
All I know is Paypal ain't allowing a dude like me to take client work that involves adult art so why the fuck is Patreon still going?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Besides letting you guys know when builds for the other platforms are out, this is my last post of the year. Thanks for your support this year and everyone who stuck with me despite my slowness.
Next year is looking like it's going to be mostly a content focus rather than building features.
I really want to just focus on making outfits and new positions but making the fixes to the animations took up so much time T_T. I'll continue to do my best peeps!
Also I'd like your feedback!
I'd love feedback on how the project has gone so far, what you think could change or be added or other stuff. I of course have my goals but I do like to explore other peoples ideas as well.
Thanks for your support this year!